Friday 12 May 2017


in this post i will be talking about me and my groups decision for the correct location, the correct lighting and props. the first thing we decided was chosing our location, we took one look at the store cupboard in our school and knew straight away that it was the right location even though we did not look around for any other places, this was a bit irational as we should have kept our options open because there might have been a better place but becuase we never checked we wont know, the only other location we used was the local trainstation and we chose this because its a public place and more realistic, it will always be open and wouldnt be effected by weather because it is under cover. the reason we chose these is becuase we knew that they will be easily accessible and wont cost too much time or any more to use and get too.

next, we looked at the lighting for our locations, with the trainstation i did not need to worry about lighting as it used natural light in the day and in the night the eerie dark sky was the perfect scene setter for a thriller film. on the other hand in the store cupboard we had to create a DIY light stand where we stacked book boxes ontop of eacother and rested the desk lamp on top of it and held the angle in the correct place that we wanted it, here is a photo of my group finding the perfect spotlight to shine on our murder board.

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