Friday 12 May 2017


In this post I will be talking about our first attempt of creating a story board for our opening sequence. On this draft we sketched a small drawing of what the shot will be, then we gave the shot a name with a brief description of the shot, also we used our media terminology by saying what angle shot we used and what type it was. Once we had done a few drawings to make a shorter version of a story board to start we labelled our drawings in order of where the sequence will go.
Before we started creating our story board we disggussed all of the possible shots we could chose and threw them all into a mind map to find which ones would be more effective, this brainstorming session was good because it helped us narrow down what shops would be suitable and which shots wouldn't work , for example we had a certain shot that we were going to chose primarily for the mis en scene but because of this mind map we realised that the shot didn't match with any other shots.
Once we had established all the shots that we wanted to use and the ones we didn't we created a final storyboard that we took out every time we went filming so we could look for a guideline, there were a few times that we didn't follow because we thought of something better on our feet.

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