Tuesday 16 May 2017


Ladies and gentlemen I would like to show you the long awaited opening sequence to Close Cut, thank you to everyone who took their time to read over my blog and here is what you have been waiting for, so sit back and enjoy the show.

Monday 15 May 2017


Image result for netflixImage result for thriller films on netflixIn this post I would like to talk about the distribution companies that I would like my media film to be shown on for the first time and in the future, after we had undertaken research into where thriller movies where most comanly shown and we found that they were distributed and broadcasted by smaller companies like netflix and independent film companies compared to the big movie names like paramount and universal, so from this we decided to use netflix as the main platform because in this day and age all people do is watch films and programs online instead of buying DVDs as the unknown films online have great reputation for having good story lines upcoming actors on the rare occasion there are thriller movies that are produced by big named companies for example girl on a train, once our movie has gone through the stage of premiering online it will not go to DVD and will stay purely on the online platform. another reason why we chose to use netflix is because of the wide range of thriller movies theyu have on their platform, i would like my film to be amoung the big names such as Inception and The Shinning, when people thjink of thriller films they imediately go online and the first thing that pops up when you type in online movies is netflix so its great for marketing as a upcoming film.


In this post I will be talking about how our opening sequence compares with the codes and conventions of existing thriller movie, I would firstly like to point out that in my opinion I think that our thriller movie is completely unique and I have never seen a film with such an obscure story line and idea, the idea of a stalker who likes to cut hair has never been done, there have been existing films where killers liked to take certain things but never hair so we chose and idea that has never been done, the music we chose to use is in complete juxtaposition to the shots on screen we chose fast paced and joyful music compared to the eerie stalkers den on the screen, but we did use a sound effect with was very creepy during the following scenes to create suspense for the audience which is a well known convention in thriller movies, most of the camera angles and shots we used were stereotypical thriller movie shots but we showed creativeness by making our own security camera shot by using simple editing and a higher camera angle, I have never seen a shot like that in a thriller movie so we have gone against the conventions there to be unique.

here is a powerpoint to back up my thoughts on how we used or challenged the codes and conventions of a stereotypical thriller movie using examples from my film and examples of existing thriller films in comparison.


In this post I will be answering this question through a voice clip of my thoughts on my finally product, what I liked about it, what I didn't like about it and how I think if I did it again, what would I do differently, these are my honest thoughts on my film, please enjoy!


Image result for stalker
In this post I will be talking about the social group that our opening sequence targets, we haven't chosen to target a minority but to show the people that are unaware of problems that young teens can face what actually happens,  I belive that the opening sequence sends a key message, it shows how teenagers can get groomed, stalked and followed whilst being completely oblivious, the biggest thing in this message is the unidentified stalker as people do not know who follows them as they appear to be blended in with surroundings and the public, on the other hand we have shown to the people who might be following these teens the damage that they can cause from an outsiders point of view, we have shown them how worrying and creepy it is that they have chosen to stalk these young people and how the public must look at them.
Image result for vulnerable teens
the reason we have chosen to target this audience is becuase there are nmot many people who have the bottle to do so and we would like to take it upon our shoulders and try and help these people but by putting our own twist on it through the cutting of hair. 


In this post I will be talking about how we progressed in the production and editing we took part in, what we used and how we used them. We got taught how to use a standard video camera and tripod, this process didn't take to much to learn about but it's a skill that I hope I can use in the future as most cameras need the same maintenance,  once we had completed the filming we were given masterclass lessons on how to compose a simple opening sequence matching the basic codes and conventions of thriller movies, it was then up to us as individuals whether or not we wanted to add extras and change anything, I found this a big problem because me personally I don't class myself as very skilled when it comes to technology and computer skills so this is where my group members shined so I think I could've contributed more when it came to that side of our movie.


In this question I will be answering two of my evaluation questions, firstly, I will talk about who our target audience will be, we decided the target audience through composing a question aire that we gave to 10 random sources, we decided to target the age group of 15-16 year old by making a psychological thriller movie with good actors and actresses, we attracted this audience by creating the psychological story line of the stalker cutting hair to keep the audience thinking further along the storyline in their head to make them want to watch on to see if they were right, 
The actors and actresses we chose to use are unexperienced but they are extremely confident and will attempt to take on any role they are told to as it's they're qualifications on line so they know how they want to acting to be done, I think that with the research we undertook we did well to meet our audiences expectations of their perfect thriller movie so we should have a wide variety of people wanting to watch our movie and enjoy it.
here is a video of our fellow pupils watching our thriller opening sequence for the first time, we decided to film their reaction as they are the first people outside of our media class to view our film and this is a special ocassion for aspiring directors to broadcast their work to the public, after they had seen the films we kept a few people behind and asked them questions about wether or not they enjoyed the film? every single one we asked said that they did, an aspiring journalist james said, "i really enjoyed your film and i like that it sent a message to vulnerable girls to keep an eye out becuase evryone can be targeted".

Friday 12 May 2017


in this post i will be talking about me and my groups decision for the correct location, the correct lighting and props. the first thing we decided was chosing our location, we took one look at the store cupboard in our school and knew straight away that it was the right location even though we did not look around for any other places, this was a bit irational as we should have kept our options open because there might have been a better place but becuase we never checked we wont know, the only other location we used was the local trainstation and we chose this because its a public place and more realistic, it will always be open and wouldnt be effected by weather because it is under cover. the reason we chose these is becuase we knew that they will be easily accessible and wont cost too much time or any more to use and get too.

next, we looked at the lighting for our locations, with the trainstation i did not need to worry about lighting as it used natural light in the day and in the night the eerie dark sky was the perfect scene setter for a thriller film. on the other hand in the store cupboard we had to create a DIY light stand where we stacked book boxes ontop of eacother and rested the desk lamp on top of it and held the angle in the correct place that we wanted it, here is a photo of my group finding the perfect spotlight to shine on our murder board.


This is my first draft of my thriller film where we were on our first trip to the college to start editing, it is the shortest of our draft as we were very inexperienced and didnt know how to do a lot of the editing techniques, seeing as ollie a boy in my group has done lots of editing before we let him take the raines and let him give it his best shot to give our opening sequence a start.
this is our second draft and even after one masterclass on editing there was a massive improvement in the techniques and we created a pretty much complete opening sequence which only needed a few tweeks, we mainly focused on getting over the two minuet time that we had to meet and once we had done this our main focus was on making the finishing touches to the film.
the main thing we were planning on changing was adding a security camera shot with a high angle, this was the highl;ight of our filming and editing as we were the only people to think of an idea that complex and once it payed off we felt like our movie had an advantage over the rest, here is a photo of thisn security cmaera shot.


This is a post where i will be showing you the shot list we have created, a shot list is to help us when we were out filming for our film but in my opinion i did not find it useful as i worked better with the story board as its a visual aid, here is a photo of our shot list. it isnt fully complete as we didnt know what shots we were 100% going to use after the first 10 as we prefered to improvise and twist the shotrs to improve them.


In this post I will be talking about the difficulties that our group faced when we had to plan and film our opening sequence.
Firstly, we were faced with a problem in our first few media lessons where two of our group members dropped out of the group and the class overall, by this time we had already set jobs for when it came to the research of finding the right plan for our film, so between a group of three we had to do group work set out for 5 people to manage, so 2 people had to do more and 1 person had the easier route.
Secondly, we were challenged when it came to casting for our opening sequence as we had to choose one person from our group to be the main protagonist, because this was such a big role none of us wanted the responsibility so we had to go to our teacher and ask her who would best suit the role of the stalker and she chose Rhys for his hight and stature.
Finally, our biggest problem was when finding time to film after school times, this was a problem because we couldn't always film during school times as we didn't always have the same free lessons as we picked different subjects and had to keep up in those as well,  also outside of school it was hard because I had work and driving lessons and so did my other group members.


In this post I will be talking about our decisions on choosing the correct target audience and creating the right story board and camera techniques to meet this decision.
When discussing what was the right choice my group peers both agreed with me as I wanted to target our age group as teenager, I though that this would be the right choice as we know firsthand what people our age like, me personally when watching a thriller shot I like to see exciting and unique shots that you don't usually see, so baring this in mind we chose to create a CCTV shot with jump cuts giving the impression of a lag in the film, if that was me I would be drawn into watching the rest of the film for more shots like that. Here is a photo of this CCTV shot in our opening sequence.


In this post I will be talking about our choices of locations in our film, we based our film around only 2 locations but used them effectively as we made them seem like different locations.
The first location was a stationary cupboard that was part of the media departments, in this room we set up in one corner of the room with our murderboard and a desk lamp providing as a spotlight to make an eerie ambience, we set up the 'stalkers' stationary millimetre perfect to show his OLD. Here is a photo showing our murderboard in the corner of the stationary cupboard, with the spotlight on it.
The second location we chose was at Pencoed train station 10 minutes up the road from our school, we ustalised both platforms and used them in the day and night, even though it was the same location the different lighting made it seem completely different, there were no troubles when it came to accessing this location because it is used by the public on a daily basis free as charge, the constant flow of trains going through platform fitted perfectly with the stalkers obsession of trains. Here is a photo of this location in the day and in the night.
We chose these locations because they were easy to get too during school times as one was in the school and one was by the school so we could get to these freely with no problems.


In this post I will be talking about the props that we used in our film and behind the scenes of shooting our film.
• Sony camcorder with 40x zoom,
• 2x tripods (1 small and 1 large),
• murder board with photos of the victims on,
• scissors, pens and plastic gloves (stalkers belongings)
• desk lamp to help with the lighting,

We did not have many props and extras in our film because the actors and their characters tell the storyline for themselves and do not need anything to help them on their way.


In this post I will be talking about our first attempt of creating a story board for our opening sequence. On this draft we sketched a small drawing of what the shot will be, then we gave the shot a name with a brief description of the shot, also we used our media terminology by saying what angle shot we used and what type it was. Once we had done a few drawings to make a shorter version of a story board to start we labelled our drawings in order of where the sequence will go.
Before we started creating our story board we disggussed all of the possible shots we could chose and threw them all into a mind map to find which ones would be more effective, this brainstorming session was good because it helped us narrow down what shops would be suitable and which shots wouldn't work , for example we had a certain shot that we were going to chose primarily for the mis en scene but because of this mind map we realised that the shot didn't match with any other shots.
Once we had established all the shots that we wanted to use and the ones we didn't we created a final storyboard that we took out every time we went filming so we could look for a guideline, there were a few times that we didn't follow because we thought of something better on our feet.