Friday 2 December 2016


This is the results of the 7 questions that I asked 10 people on their likes about a thriller movie. All 7 of the questions had 10 responses, after looking at the results of the questions I have changed some of the decisions of the film I will be making, for example it helped me make a big decision of choosing the sub-genre psychological.

In this question, I was looking into what age ranges I should be targeting for my film opening, from the answers of this question I have chosen to target mainly people from ages 16 to 18 year olds because they are the highest answer percentage but the second highest are aged 12-15 so I might widen the bracket to get more viewers.

From this question, I have decided to mostly target men because I asked about gender and the majority of people who answered were men so I will aim for the men but can’t cancel out the women as they might enjoy the type of film I am making.
In this question, I asked 10 people what their favourite genre of a thriller movie, from this I have decided on the sub-genre of my film so this makes it the most important question, there was a stand-out winner in this question of a psychological thriller, that’s why I made it my sub-genre of the film.
Next, I asked the people what they thought the most effective feature of a thriller movie is in their opinion, 5 out of the 10 people I asked said that they thought the actors and the acting in the film makes it how successful it is. So from this question i have decided to chose the best actor which is going to be most memorable for my audience.
This question is important when deciding which colours to use for title shots or typography, I asked the people which colours affect them the most in a thriller film and the majority said plain colours like white black and grey, I had 1 vote for red so I might influence the colour red in my typography to take a risk.
The next question I asked people what plot would they prefer to watch in a thriller movie and most people said psychological thriller matching their chose for the sub-genre. So, this question has solidified my choice of a psychological thriller film.

The final question that I asked my volunteers was what kind of opening sequence did they like, would they prefer an intense or not an intense opening, the majority said yes so I think I am going to go for the intense route of my film opening.

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