Sunday 4 December 2016


In this post, I will be analysing the opening sequence of one of the most prolific thriller movies, silence of the lambs, this an extremely key opening sequence as it covers all the good codes and conventions of a thriller movie. (I analysed this opening sequence up to 3:45 minutes).
To start I will be talking about the editing as there isn't much complication in the editing, it is simple with a natural flow of film with easy cuts from shot to shot, there is a key point where this is featured when the protagonist is running we see numerous camera angles from crabbing to tracking which are all simply cut together. next, the sound in the clip is as important as it sets the tone of the atmosphere through the audio which shows it is effective, the fast-paced string music turns from soothing to eerie when a few notes clash to make almost a squeal and for the audience this is uncomfortable to listen to which foreshadows what could happen to cause discomfort.

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