Tuesday 31 January 2017


In this post i will be talking about existing thriller film titles, i will evaluate how they can be effective and how they can not be as effective if they are bad representatives of the genre thriller.
One of the most famous thriller films is Alfred Hitchcock's infamous Psycho, i have chosen this as an effective title because it is in my eyes a perfect example of a title that not only matches the theme of the storyline in the film but it matches thriller on a whole, in my opinion it is so effective because it is only one word and even though this is the case it tells you so much about the film before you start watching.

Next, in my opinion for a negative representative i have chosen the title Silence of the Lambs, even though this a prolific thriller film the title isnt as effective as the contents of the film, the title is meaningless when comparing it to the plot, that is why when deciding on a name for our film me and my group tried to link it in with cutting hair and we finally came across the name 'The Last Strand' because our film is about cutting hair we chose this name.
Also, an effective opening title sequence should contain names and production companies, it should contain star actors and actresses which usually just one name fills the screen to show their importance in the film, and the directors name along with the editors should be shown on a larger scale as well but the other credits such as the camera crew, hair and makeup etc should be stereotypically shown at the end of the movie in the opening credits of the film. On the other hand, even though the big names like actors and directors are shown at the beginning they are also the first names at the top of the closing credits leaving the ones that haven't been shown till the end when people don't usually whatch up to that point.

Saturday 14 January 2017


When thinking for a song we were primarily looking for inspiration on the internet, we were looking for a song that you wouldn't usually match with the genre of thriller but the song works because its so opposite that it makes the scene uncomfortable for the audience. whilst we were doing this research we came across an excellent example of this from the well known horror film Insidious, here is this example.
The song in this scene is in perfect juxtaposition but the lyrics 'TipToe through the window' is exactly what the little boy is doing in the scene which is the only link between the song and the scene which makes it work so well.
After we had done a lot of thorough we came to a group decision and chose this song called Cut Your Hair by the Pavement.
This classic song is not one of the first songs that comes to mind when you think about thriller music but we came to this chose because it fits almost too well with our plot of a unknown psychopath who has a fixation about cutting strands of girls hair.