Wednesday 28 September 2016


In this lesson of media studies we as a group looked at different trailers for each sub-genre of thriller movies. After watching a lot of different trailers we confirmed that we are going to do an action thriller movie, our movie opening sequence is primarily based on a chase scene. Here is a photo of my group in mid discussion.

Sunday 25 September 2016


In this post, I will be focusing on an opening scene from a Horror Thriller opening sequence.
1.In a horror thriller opening sequence you can hear over the images and title sequences some eerie and tense music, this is very common in this type of sequence because in this sub-genre the directors want to make you uncomfortable, the music is usually orchestral with strings because they make screeching noises which make you unsure about what could happen.

2.In some horror thriller movies this does not happen but in most there is usually a piece of text, in this genre they usually say something like "based on a true story" or they usually explain the story behind the film. the directors chose to use a title page like this sometimes to create suspense before the film starts. Sometimes in certain films there could be a freeze frame or a screenshot where the film stops so it there can be aloud some text to narrate what is happening in the film, this usually happens before something big.

3.In almost every opening sequence there I an establishing shot of the landscape to set the scene for the first scene. it allows the audience to see where the film is set.

4.In every film opening sequence you will see the production company’s logo.

5. In some horror thriller movies some directors prefer a different opening compared to usual to create a sense of insecurity, these usually contain a lack of credits, a lack of establishing shots and where the main characters are not seen.

Friday 23 September 2016


In today’s media studies lesson, our group got given an example of a storyboard and dialogue sheet for our continuity film for practice. We had to read over it and decide whether or not we were going to use the example or design our own, our group decided to use the example and keep our own creative ideas for our final film. Here is an example of the storyboard that we got given as an example.


In today’s lesson of media studies, we looked at different examples of camera shots. We as a group had a go at being in a photo and being the person taking the photo. Our group had to successfully take 13 camera shots from extreme close up to a long shot. Here is a photo of our group in action taking a photo of a medium shot.


In today’s lesson of media studies, we successfully learned how to put up and dismantle a tripod. Here is a photo of us using the tripods. By the end of our lesson we completed our objective of being able to assemble and take down the tripod, our entire group had a go at doing this and we all completed in doing this.

Sunday 18 September 2016


In this point i am going to be talking about and showing you the top 3 thriller movie directors in history.

"The master of suspense" was one of if not the most prolific thriller movie director in the film industry; Alfred Hitchcock created some of the most well-known elements of psychological thriller movies. he is most well-known for his excellent psychological thriller Psycho. This is a photo of Sir Alfred Hitchcock and his film Psycho.


Christopher Nolan is an excellent representation of perseverance as he started to make short films when he was a younger child of just 7 years old and has now created some on the best psychological thriller movies of all time, from the dark night trilogy to inception. Christopher Nolan specialised in small budget films over 15 years but he has recently changed that with some big block busters.


Quentin Tarantino is one of the most well-known thriller movie directors of this century, he is known for his action or horror thrillers filled with violence and gore. Quentin Tarantino has something special with his films compared to others because he acts in most of them, he is not one of the main actors but he usually has one or two lines. One of Tarantino's most recent films is the hateful eight.

Saturday 17 September 2016


In this post i am going to be talking about the top 5 the sub genres of thriller movies.


An action thriller movie is a action packed movie which gets you on the edge of your seat, they aim to keep you entertained by using pyrotechnics, amazing story lines and key plot twists. An example of an action thriller is Inception.


A conspiracy thriller is mainly where the protagonist must take on people who they see as a threat to themselves, primarily the protagonist must do this alone. A well-known conspiracy thriller is The Parallax View.


A crime thriller is a movie that main focus' on crime forms the criminal’s point of view of them committing and planning the crime. But, the crime thriller Zodiac shows the crime from both the detective’s point of view and the criminals, it shows the police and helpers narrow down the crime and find the suspect, and it also shows the criminals commit the crime.


A disaster thriller is a movie were a natural disaster is occurring and the main protagonist is trying to prevent it from happening or try to save themselves and the people that they love. A prime example of a disaster thriller is I Am Legend.


A psychological thriller is a movie where the conflict is mental and not physical, these kinds of films test the main protagonist’s mental state and they need to decide if they can overcome their mental problems to win the battle. An example of a psychological thriller is Shutter Island.

Friday 16 September 2016


This is a photo of photos that I think are key to a thriller movies, these photos are not stereotypical for a horror thriller but  it contains a photo from each sub category of thriller movies. I found this photo on Google and I have chosen to use it because in my eyes it is a perfect representation of thriller movies in total. The web address for this photo is  

Friday 9 September 2016


The next work that I have been told to do was to research the well decorated graphic designer Saul Bass. From the research that I have done I found that Saul Bass was an academy award winning graphic designer who has worked on film posters and title sequences that were extremely advanced for the time period that he was editing. During Saul Bass' 40 year career in Graphic Designing he had produced over 50 well known film posters and title sequences, although he done a lot of work for different films a lot of his work were really similar, they contained usually a plain background with a main image and text style that was persistent throughout a lot of his posters. Here is an example of one of his most well-known film title sequence of the film anatomy of a murderer. 


This is an add-on to my last post explain in more detail the topics and challenges that we have to do in the upcoming year.

Preliminary task:
 continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting on a chair opposite another character, with whom he exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This is a task that should demonstrate match-on-action, short/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

Main task- we had to create the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

My blog will include all of these key areas;

  • forms and conventions
  • production context
  • role of technologies
  • audience
  • representation

Thursday 8 September 2016


This is my first day and lesson on blogging, I have customised and designed my blog to the correct genre of thriller.